

Sara Garcia Aka Whim-ee

Brazilian dj and producer Whim-ee ,is all about offering a mixture of grooves, all having that bit of old school  touch  but most important all looking in the future. Definitely it did put Whim-ee in the producers of the moment! building her dj set with dub atmospheres ,from old school vibe to actual Techno and deep ...


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Sara Garcia Aka Whim-ee

Brazilian dj and producer Whim-ee ,is all about offering a mixture of grooves, all having that bit of old school  touch  but most important all looking in the future. Definitely it did put Whim-ee in the producers of the moment! building her dj set with dub atmospheres ,from old school vibe to actual Techno and deep house stormer which is good for any quality room she is a pack of raw and deep vibes with the groove taking you to new places. .she owns Tao Dan records and W-ee records .and have music released and various labels..